Enjoy SUPOCHAN with His Imperial Highness Prince Tomohito of Mikasa

Princess Nobukoi   Prince Tomohito   President Tanabe

2001, Nov

On last September 30, "The 27th sports meeting with the disabled people" was held in Tokyo Setagata gym, which their Highnesses Prince and Princess Mikasa support.
It has been three years since Sports-Chanbara ("Kasssen" team-match) as team event first started in the meeting.
The people are divided in two tow groups, red team and white team. They wear a paper balloon on their head. His Highness always takes part in a game since the 1st meeting and this year he fought as the captain of the white team.
He won through to the finals and brought the victory to the white team. He is know as a good athlete such as ski.
His Highness Prince Tomohito, Princess Nobuko, and SUPOCHAN association staffs are in the picture.
The meeting is held every year at this season and His Highness and Her Highness join in each time.
The International Sports Chanbara Association
The Japan Sports Chanbara Association
The International Goshindo Federation
TANABE, Tetsundo

Copyright(C) The International SPORTS CHANBARA Association