In this division, the men and the do are the areas mainly aimed at. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to protect these critically important areas. Strikes on thre men are valid hrer. A player cannot get a game-deciding point as long as he strikes the defending arm or the legs. Abdominal areas as well as the chest or the throat are important parts for earning points.
Player are allowed to try actions like a throw, kick or twist. These actions other than knocking the opponent down are, however, not counted for points as they are straightforward techniques. Players who are used to the kind of over-protected martial art that forbids kicking may be hesitant about this. However, they are encour-aged to overcome the fear and try taking part in this division. A player is advised he not count too much on kicking or throwing as a means of fighting against his opponent's sword since the sword has the potential for killing by a single thrust.
On judging matchesm, it is remembered that referees have some likelihood of misjudgment due to the circumstances where players place themselves close to one another, and move quickly. Referees have also to draw a line between the atedome and mikiri. They need, therefore to be trained to perceive subtle differences in techniques.